Chattanooga and Qubitekk have joined together to launch America’s first industry-led, commercially available quantum network. It’s designed for private companies as well as government and university researchers to run quantum equipment and applications in an established fiber optic environment.
EPB Quantum Network integrates a fiber optic infrastructure with the latest foundational quantum equipment and software to accelerate the process for bringing quantum technologies to market.
Because Chattanooga’s network spans the area with more than 3,750 miles of distribution fiber optics, EPB Quantum Network is easily scalable. EPB recently upgraded its core network to 100 Gig capacity and is more than halfway through a $70 million system upgrade.
Government & Defense
Validating Quantum product performance
Confirming equipment interoperability
Testing new Quantum technologies
Running Quantum security applications
Photonic qubit sources
4 parallel qubit channels
Single photon counting detectors
Quantum-compatible fiber optics switches
Flexible, software-defined network architecture
Dedicated fiber optic lines for distributing qubits
Precision timing
Scalable to support growing demand

This quantum-as-a-service offering is built upon the vision of industry leaders in communications infrastructure and practical quantum applications. It’s designed to accelerate the process for bringing quantum technologies to market.
Runs on an established 100% fiber optic network
Always allows users to maintain their intellectual property
Configurable for multiple uses
Provides secure individual physical workspaces
Staffed by expert Qubitekk quantum engineers
Provides network flexibility to accommodate virtually endless uses
Easily scalable

Qubitekk commercializes Quantum Technology with a variety of products tailored to strengthen American leadership in quantum information science. Our mission is to provide solutions that support the emerging quantum-based industry.
Quantum Technology Pioneers Qubitekk and Qunnect Achieve First Equipment Interoperability on EPB Qua
Sep 28, 2023
EPB Quantum NetworkSM powered by Qubitekk adds Qunnect as first customer for quantum collaboration
Sep 28, 2023
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