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Qubitekk awarded Contract for Quantum-Protected 5G Networks in Naval Warehouses

Updated: May 10, 2024

The Smart Warehouse 5G Network Enhancement project is the first 5G-related contract won by Qubitekk since the company’s founding in 2012.

SAN DIEGO, February 4, 2021

Qubitekk has been awarded a contract for quantum-protected networks and devices to be used in US Navy warehouses. The contract was awarded on January 14, 2021. Qubitekk and other participants in the Smart Warehouse 5G Network Enhancement Program will begin work immediately and will automate and secure the full range of work performed in warehouses supporting Naval operations.

In late Q4 2020 contracts were awarded to multiple companies including Qubitekk. The contracts are for three years of research and development, though participants will have to recompete for the second and third years. A test bed for the work is being established at Naval Air Station North Island in San Diego, with much of the work in 2021 being done remotely due to COVID-19 risks.

The Navy’s intent with this program is to modernize, automate and secure critical warehouse and supply chain operations that support Naval operations. From the Department of Defense’s own press release describing the 5G Network Enhancement Program: “The objective of this project is to develop a 5G-enabled Smart Warehouse focused on transshipment between shore facilities and naval units, to increase the efficiency and fidelity of naval logistic operations, including identification, recording, organization, storage, retrieval, and transportation of materiel and supplies.  Additionally, the project will create a proving ground for testing, refining, and validating emerging 5G-enabled technologies. “

Qubitekk’s leadership team is enthusiastic about the program. “We are honored to be included in the Navy’s Smart Warehouse 5G Network Enhancement Program,” says Dr. Duncan Earl, Qubitekk’s President and CTO. “We believe that the advantages of entanglement based quantum-protected networks and devices – simplicity, long-term security and cost-efficiency – are perfect for the warehouse application chosen by the Navy.”

Stephanie Aretz, Qubitekk’s COO emphasizes the ease of integration of the Qubitekk solution. “We are proud to be in a position to assist the Navy in modernizing their warehousing systems and providing state-of-the-art security to all the applications included in the 5G Network Enhancement program. Our approach to security integrates with modern industrial control system devices and allows secure communications across untrusted networks.”

Qubitekk’s hardware appliance approach to dispense quantum-based cryptographic keys is the simplest and most secure solution for machine-to-machine transactions. Qubitekk’s Quantum Protected Network (QPN) system provides cutting-edge channel security while greatly simplifying the generation, maintenance, and distribution of encryption keys used on a network containing sensitive or valuable data and devices.

Qubitekk provides quantum entanglement-based solutions enabling the highest level of system integrity and security possible today.  Qubitekk’s quantum solutions are being used in electric utility, aerospace, and supply chain solutions. Qubitekk is based in Vista, CA.

CONTACT    Corey McClelland, VP PHONE        760 799 5100 EMAIL WEB   

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Qubitekk commercializes Quantum Technology with a variety of products tailored to strengthen American leadership in quantum information science. Our mission is to provide solutions that support the emerging quantum-based industry.

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Vista, CA 92081
United States of America

+1 (760) 599-5100

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